ADPM Drones focuses on community and sharing
There is still a mixed view in many areas of Information Technology regarding the use of open-source software. Despite the opportunity to rely on a large community to find effective solutions to overcome limitations and bugs, there is a philosophy that prefers the development of proprietary systems, regardless of context and operational requirements. ADPM Drones has chosen a clear position in this contrast, supporting sharing and community.
“There are several advantages to relying on open-source software, one of the first being the flexibility provided by working on the source code to adapt it to individual needs, which allows for all kinds of customization. Also to be considered is the strength of a large community, which allows for rapid product development and testing at very low cost,” explains Luca Brizzi, executive chairman and head of R&D at the Rome-based company.
“As much as it is a complex form of collaboration, open-source improves the final product, so ADPM Drones supports, from both an economic and development point of view, some interesting open-source projects for the drone industry,” Brizzi says. Together with core developers, the company has created commercial products for some projects that facilitate the use of ADPM Drones products.
These are some of the open-source initiatives supported:
– UV Hub that integrates satellite and terrestrial mobile communications
– Rosetta Drone to integrate commercial drones with open-source communication protocols
– iNavFlight drone firmware
Supporting open-source software, then, with the need to expand the community of individual professionals and companies that can contribute ideas, designs and solutions. “One of the main reasons we are promoting the use of open-source systems even on a large scale is the speed of implementing very advanced solutions, especially when we are in the early stages of the life of a start-up product,” Brizzi points out.
Whether it’s drones, telecommunications, cryptocurrency and many other sectors, the concept is always the same: for anyone who wants to create and develop a business, open-source is a useful, solid and valuable partner.